I FINALLY got a new camera and got to use it to do my sister's bridal pictures. I absolutely LOVE my new camera and can't wait to figure out how to use all the options on it. I took her pictures on auto mode and portrait mode. Everything else I am not sure how to use. I didn't get a chance to really play with it before her pictures but because my camera is so great, the user doesn't have to be!!! Here are a few of my favorites (there are a lot!)

We wanted to go to the Great Salt Lake to get some sunset pictures but there was nothing but storm clouds. They seemed like a pretty cool back drop though. We walked for FOREVER to get to a good spot by the water. Laura was putting on her dress when something like a tornado came!! The winds were blowing so HARD! Little bugs were EVERYWHERE!! We didn't want it to be a waste so we tried to make the most of it.
In this pic she got posed and bugs were blowing right in her face! LOL

Her husband to be is in the Army. Chad has been living in Fort Braggs, North Carolina. Before he gets deported to Iraq he is coming home and they are getting married. They will have a little time together before he leaves for an entire year! We thought it would be cool to get a picture of his bride with and American Flag. He loves his country and he loves my sister, I thought capturing his 2 loves in one would make for an awesome and meaningful picture for him.

Great pics! I can't believe it, I havent seen her in such a long time. Tell her congrats for me
Mellisa, I CANNOT beileve you took those pics on auto mode!! Seriously they look amazing!! good job girl!!
You are awsome I so want you to take pic of my kids If I didn't know better I would think they were done by someone with training. Great Job.
Oh my gosh Mellisa! These were fantastic!!! What kind of camera did you get? Laura is SO going to cherish these photos you took of her for a lifetime! Great work!
Mellisa! I don't know why I haven't had your blog link on my list of blogs that I read! I have to tell you that you are SO GOOD with that new camera of yours and your pics are AMAZING!!! Great job! And yes, you will have to watch out when Kaysia is older. WOW is she gorgeous! :)
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