My sister was over for a BBQ with her fiance and we realized that we don't have any pictures of them together to display at their wedding. Thank goodness I live close to some great picture locations!! We went into a field and snapped these photos, they turned out pretty good considering we did the shoot in 20 minutes. Laura and Chad are getting married TOMORROW!! I can't believe my little sister is all grown up. More pictures of the wedding to come.

This one totally shows off his personality!

Trying to be sexy on a car that you can't stand on the bumper or get on the hood, we improvised!
They both look so cute! The pictures turned out really well. It's amazing what kind of hidden talents we find when we have the right equipment. Ha ha. Awesome pictures.
how fun. they look so happy together. you did a good job. they dont look posed and forced. they look natural.
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