Monday, July 27, 2009

My little Hero

Today I took the kids to the neighborhood pool. On a normal day at the pool Camden wanders around with his arm floaties on and Kyson has a life vest he wears. Kaysia is really good at swimming and is very careful to not go where she can't touch. I was hanging out by the kiddie pool when my friend starts shouting at me, "MELLISA, MELLISA!" I look around me and Camden is right there, but it wasn't Camden she was wanting me to save. I look into the big pool and Kaysia is trying to get above water but can't. Before I could, another neighbor jumped in the pool, clothes and all and when I finally got over there she had two kids in her arms. I grabbed Kaysia and hugged her and asked her why she was where she couldn't touch. She was of course very frazzled and crying and said to me, "Mommy he was drowning, I tried to save him, but mommy he was so heavy and I couldn't touch!" Of course I start bawling. She is so brave!!! Here I have taught her, her boundaries at the pool and how to stay floating but I never thought I would need to teach my 5 year old how to save another kid. I explained to her that when a kid is drowning and needs help she needs to scream so me or another adult can save them, that she is too little to save kids. Her response was, "Mommy, I was just trying to be a good friend and save his life." Her bravery and selflessness was amazing today. Even though she knew she couldn't touch where he was she saw someone who needed help and nothing else mattered! I love her so much, and that love grew a little more today! I am very proud of her!


Cherish said...

oh man that is so scary.
I am glad everyone is ok.

Jeanie said...

Aww! What a great story! And a sweet amazing little girl you have!

Faith said...

Oh, that made me want to cry. What a sweetheart.