Over a year ago Kaysia started complaining that her neck hurt. She showed me where it hurt and I felt her neck and felt a big lump. I FREAKED out and took her to instacare right away. The doctor was concerned it was her thyroid and he had me even more freaked out than I was when I went in. He ran some blood work and her thyroid came back normal. The doctor then referred me to an E.N.T. doctor to see the next day. The doctor said it could be one of two things a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst or a Dermoid Cyst. He said either way it needed to come out and he seemed too anxious to cut into my little girls throat. I decided to get a second opinion and the next E.N.T. I saw actually ordered an ultra sound of the lump to determine what it was. It was in fact a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. Both doctors said that it wasn't something that HAD to come out right away but told me the sooner we can get it done the better. Having my beautiful daughter have a scar on her neck and the invasive procedure was unsettling so I put it off. Well her cyst got infected and the doctor said it HAD to come out soon. So we scheduled the surgery. Kaysia was so excited to have her surgery. The day before she was drawing pictures of the hospital and her cyst and the doctor. I feel like I did my best to prepare her and not scare her but apparently I failed. After they brought her out of the recovery room she was crying and said, "This is not what I had imagined at all"! A few hours later she started perking up and wanted to color and do puzzles. I was so relieved that she was getting her spunk back! She was so hungry but could only be on a clear liquid diet, then later that day she got moved to a full liquid diet which meant she could have ICE CREAM. I asked her who she wanted to stay in the hospital that night with her and she pointed to Jason. At first I was sad that she didn't want me, but then I saw the bed Jason had to sleep on and I was secretly thankful that I got to go home to my AMAZING bed! The next morning she was put back on a normal diet and she ordered bacon, sausage and potatoes for breakfast with chocolate milk. She was so excited to eat! We are home now and doing great, she is really bored and hasn't needed any pain medication. She is such a trooper. I'm so thankful that everything went well and that this adventure is behind us.

Look at her BEAMING with excitement!!
Her incision with the drain. The drain had to stay in all day and night.
Watching TV doped up on Lori tab, not happy that it wasn't what she "imagined".
What a difference a few hours makes!!!
Her first meal in almost 40 hours.
She ate the entire plate!!
I do have to make note that the night before Jason gave her a really neat blessing in which he got a little emotional in parts. When the blessing over Kaysia asked him why he was sad and we explained to her what exactly a blessing was and that it is so powerful it sometimes brings tears to your eyes. We told her that when you get a blessing it is heavenly father speaking through the man giving you the blessing telling him what to tell you. We told her that when daddy said, "Heavenly Father wants you to know he loves you so much" it was Him telling her that, not daddy. The smile on her face was priceless! She said, "When you were giving me a blessing my legs and arms got really tingly". It was really neat to hear her explain how she felt the spirit.
1 comment:
This was a touching post for me! What a neat experience Kaysia had with her blessing. Made me tear up a bit when I read about it. It's amazing what power the Priesthood and Faith can have! Thank you for sharing this. Glad Kaysia is doing well.
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