Friday, April 23, 2010

Jason's project...

When we moved in we saved enough money to pay someone to do our yard. Well, let's just say we didn't get what we paid for!!! First of all we were unaware of drainage issues in the subdivision, and second, we trused a "professional" to do our yard and grade it accordingly. We OBVIOUSLY sit lower than the surrounding homes to the north and back of us, unfortunately, the "professional" we hired decided not to take that fact into consideration when grading our yard....did I say he graded our yard? I take that back, the LACK of grading our yard and the LACK of leveling, smoothing or even using enough top soil for the grass to grow decently!! Okay, I have vented now. We are very sad we have to start all over!

Don't worry Cam...daddy will fix it right and chase all the buggies away!

We had some major low spots in our yard and everytime it rained or at the end of winter our yard was a pond from the back fence, about halfway to the house. At the end of last summer we put in a drain that runs along the back fence then down the side of our yard to the curb. It works great, except one BIG problem, we have to now direct the water to the drain it likes to pool up in the yard away from the drain. Here is an example of the yard after the rain this week. There is no more grass because we have decided the only way to fix our problems is to start completely over.

Jason has been really happy about doing all this work. He is excited to hopefully have a back yard that we can use that hasn't been overtaken by swamp smell, frogs, mosquitos, and MILLIONS of spiders! Yes, that is how bad the back half of our yard was. A constant wet swamp!

On a brighter note, the kids have had a BLAST during the demolition! There have been MANY trips to the dump (a kid favorite of mine too though I'm not sure exactly why). A big bobcat with fun rides.

Kaysia got a ride when I was at the store. I'm sad I didn't get a picture.

Then there was Kyson's favorite part about the whole weekend.....

A GREAT, BIG, GIANT pile of DIRT!! That kid LOVES dirt. He rolled in it, slid in it and yes, even attempted to cartwheel in it!!

Camden wasn't as interested, thank goodness. I think I can only handle on dirt lover! He just decided to pose for me and look adorable as always for the camera.

We are excited to have a clean slate and hopefully that excitement will drive us to get it done FAST!

We have lot's of ideas on how to make our yard not only beautiful but also make the water flow to the appropriate places to keep it stink free and like a park instead of a SWAMP!


The Woodlands said...

Wow! Looks like a big undertaking. But I'm sure it will turn out awesome, just like all of your other projects. And isn't it great to be married to handy men who can drive bobcats? Good luck with everything. I think the best part is choosing and planting the flowers, trees, and shrubs you like.

Nathan and Shanna said...

Good Luck with everything! I think it will turn out fabulous!

Cherish said...

Oh man what a pain. I didn't know just anyone could go rent a bobcat and drive it around lol.
I can't wait to see the finished product and you have the piece of mind that the drainage problems are fixed.