I swear he had it wrong. I just kept saying "ME??? ME???" I always looked at the Relief Society Presidency as spiritual, wise, knowledgeable in the gospel, giving and just downright perfect women (or close to it). Women to look up to if you will. I really don't fit in this category! If I am honest...I have never even read the book of Mormon completely! My testimony of the church is growing, but still not where I would like it to be or where I think it should be for such a big calling. Now I know that I am not the President, but I take this just as seriously. I was learning so much about the gospel teaching the 8 year olds. I felt I was right where I needed to be, not too intimidating to teach them, yet still learning SO MUCH!
When I was set apart for my calling the first thing that was said in my blessing was that Heavenly Father wanted me to know that I was chosen, he chose me, for this calling. That was pretty powerful, given the fact that I don't fully understand why I was chosen. I do know this however, I was put in my calling in the primary to learn things that helped my friend, Shauna, who has been dealing the loss of her sister. Because of the lesson I taught these children I was able to explain the plan of salvation to her, hopefully bringing peace to her and the plan for us. I was able to use her sister as an example of the sacrifice of Christ and what he specifically did for her. I appreciated and loved teaching these children but I feel like Heavenly Father will put me in places I need to be exactly when I need to be there. I am excited for the new experiences and spiritual growth my new calling will bring me. I trust that He will be there when I need guidance to help me become the woman I need to be!!
I'm kind of excited for you! I think you will do a great job. You are a spiritual giant. I'm inspired by your humility ;)
Congrats again! You will do a great job and the experiences you have will really strengthen your testimony as you learn more about the Gospel and serve the women in your ward. You will love it!
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