Monday, July 27, 2009
My little Hero
Today I took the kids to the neighborhood pool. On a normal day at the pool Camden wanders around with his arm floaties on and Kyson has a life vest he wears. Kaysia is really good at swimming and is very careful to not go where she can't touch. I was hanging out by the kiddie pool when my friend starts shouting at me, "MELLISA, MELLISA!" I look around me and Camden is right there, but it wasn't Camden she was wanting me to save. I look into the big pool and Kaysia is trying to get above water but can't. Before I could, another neighbor jumped in the pool, clothes and all and when I finally got over there she had two kids in her arms. I grabbed Kaysia and hugged her and asked her why she was where she couldn't touch. She was of course very frazzled and crying and said to me, "Mommy he was drowning, I tried to save him, but mommy he was so heavy and I couldn't touch!" Of course I start bawling. She is so brave!!! Here I have taught her, her boundaries at the pool and how to stay floating but I never thought I would need to teach my 5 year old how to save another kid. I explained to her that when a kid is drowning and needs help she needs to scream so me or another adult can save them, that she is too little to save kids. Her response was, "Mommy, I was just trying to be a good friend and save his life." Her bravery and selflessness was amazing today. Even though she knew she couldn't touch where he was she saw someone who needed help and nothing else mattered! I love her so much, and that love grew a little more today! I am very proud of her!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Trip to Montana
This week the kids and I went to go see some good friends in Montana. It was so good to see them again! Carter and Haven are getting so big and their new addition, Jaxton is soooo cute!! The kids handled the drive well, better than expected. I am sad I didn't take any pictures of the kids playing but I did do some pictures of the new baby and even some with Cherish, his mom of course. I hope to post them soon. Plus I have got some great ones of Laura's wedding, also soon to come!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Laura's Engagement Photos
My sister was over for a BBQ with her fiance and we realized that we don't have any pictures of them together to display at their wedding. Thank goodness I live close to some great picture locations!! We went into a field and snapped these photos, they turned out pretty good considering we did the shoot in 20 minutes. Laura and Chad are getting married TOMORROW!! I can't believe my little sister is all grown up. More pictures of the wedding to come.

This one totally shows off his personality!

Trying to be sexy on a car that you can't stand on the bumper or get on the hood, we improvised!

This one totally shows off his personality!

Trying to be sexy on a car that you can't stand on the bumper or get on the hood, we improvised!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Silly Lunch
Having fun with the new camera
4th of July Fun
This year for the 4th of July we went to my parents house up in Kamas. The kids had a blast. We played a little baseball, frisbee and played in the water a bit. We had BBQ steaks and chicken then waited for it to get dark. My sister's husband went to Evanstan, WY and bought a TON of fireworks. They were the most amazing fireworks I have seen (that weren't done at a park)! We then had a campout in there yard. I have decided after 2 backyard camp-outs, that real camping is out of the question. Just like the time before, Kaysia woke up cold and wanted to go in the house. Kaysia said to me last night, "Mom, I will NEVER EVER EVER sleep in a tent again!! Next time I will only sleep in a trailer when we go camping." I am guessing that we are raising quite a pampered princess!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kaysia's Photo shoot
Kaysia is always asking me to put make-up on her. I decided to give in, and while she was all dolled up we had a little photo shoot. She thought it was so neat to have all that make-up on and get her picture taken. I think it is awesome to have some one be excited to let me take pictures of them!! They turned out amazing, but the best part is the FREE program I have to edit them. Jason got me photoshop but I haven't even tried it yet. Kaysia is so beautiful, Jason and I are in trouble when she grows up!

Laura's Bridal Pictures
I FINALLY got a new camera and got to use it to do my sister's bridal pictures. I absolutely LOVE my new camera and can't wait to figure out how to use all the options on it. I took her pictures on auto mode and portrait mode. Everything else I am not sure how to use. I didn't get a chance to really play with it before her pictures but because my camera is so great, the user doesn't have to be!!! Here are a few of my favorites (there are a lot!)

We wanted to go to the Great Salt Lake to get some sunset pictures but there was nothing but storm clouds. They seemed like a pretty cool back drop though. We walked for FOREVER to get to a good spot by the water. Laura was putting on her dress when something like a tornado came!! The winds were blowing so HARD! Little bugs were EVERYWHERE!! We didn't want it to be a waste so we tried to make the most of it.
In this pic she got posed and bugs were blowing right in her face! LOL

Her husband to be is in the Army. Chad has been living in Fort Braggs, North Carolina. Before he gets deported to Iraq he is coming home and they are getting married. They will have a little time together before he leaves for an entire year! We thought it would be cool to get a picture of his bride with and American Flag. He loves his country and he loves my sister, I thought capturing his 2 loves in one would make for an awesome and meaningful picture for him.

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