I know I have been posting a lot about getting healthy and losing weight, but I have to say, I have learned so much about myself and have realized how strong I am. My goal all along has been to get to my pre-kids weight, a goal which I met a few weeks ago. I never thought I could do it. I never have gotten there, close, but never reached it. I am a goal setting person but not a goal meeting person. I constantly set myself up for failure but setting goals for myself and then end up lacking the motivation for actually meeting them. Not just physical goals but mental and spiritual ones as well. By actually achieving my weight loss goal I've realized that I CAN do the things I put my mind to and it makes me feel STRONG. So now I have new goals all around and I am excited because I know that not only can I meet them I WILL. I have decided that I am going to only work on three things at a time. Three things that will make me a better person all around. Here are my current three:
PHYSICAL - Lose another 5 lbs and gain strength and endurance
SPIRITUAL - Finish reading the Book of Mormon...I'm halfway there and ashamed to say, I have never finished, many starts, but never a finish.
TEMPORAL - Stick to a cleaning schedule. I'm going to need to be good at this when summer comes! Better get in the habit now : )