Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Growing up....

Over the past couple of days I have had a ton of bricks just fall and hit me in the head. I have realized all of my responsibilities at once. Now I know this isn't new, I mean, I HAVE been a mother for over SIX years. I think reality just slapped me in the face. As I got off the couch from watching American Idol tonight, I looked in the kitchen and was so relieved that the dishes were done and the kitchen was clean. I DID THAT. I remember when I was living at home and my mom would do that, oh how I loved when our home was clean. Now I am the mom, the housekeeper, the chef and the baker, the launderer, the taxi driver, the grocery shopper, the piano teachers assistant for practices, the listener of little readers, the discipliner, the slave driver, the singer of lullaby's, the kisser of owies, an activities planner, the hair dresser, a playmate, a life lessons teacher, a Sunday school teacher, an etticiut teacher, a payer of bills, a walking calendar, a friend helping friends through grown up stuff, a gym rat (trying to take care of myself), a car detailer and the list just goes on and on and on! WHEN DID THIS ALL HAPPEN?? Maybe I am just feeling a little overwhelmed with life, and all the 'To Do's' that come with it that are making me feel a little more grown up lately. Maybe it is because I am rapidly approaching 30, an age that I didn't think would be hard to hit. What I do know is, even though I get overwhelmed at times, and I am not the best at any of the above listed duties, I am SO GRATEFUL for the 3 little rugrats that brought on 90% of them! God has truly blessed my life with beautiful children a hard working husband and health all around. I have a quote in my house that I look at everyday that reads, "Grant me patience to deal with my blessings!" Amen to that and maybe a little granting of energy too!

1 comment:

Cherish said...

Amen sista! You are a great "grown up" :)