Monday, February 8, 2010

Button, Button, who's got the BUTTONS?

I decided to come up with a reward system for the kids. I have tried many things and I think this one just might work. I proposed this plan to them and they were SO EXCITED! I am hoping the excitement lasts.

Each kid has their own jar to keep their buttons in.

This jar is the 'Bank of Buttons'. They can earn these buttons by doing jobs around the house, good listening, being kind and just going anything good. They use these buttons to play the WII or computer games. They can also save up their buttons and get bigger things like a fun activity and such.

This is our 'Job Jar'...

Each stick has a job on it and the kids have to pick 2 sticks a day. They will of course earn buttons upon completing the task on the stick.

I am hoping that this little idea works. I am pretty excited to get started and so are they! Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

UM this is the cutest idea EVER!! I'm so stealing it!! However ILl need you to make everything for me! Deal? LOL!!

The Woodlands said...

That is such a cute idea and I'm going to steal it too. Let us know how it works.

Cherish said...

it looks so cute! I hope it works for you. I should do something like that too.

Sheri Stats said...

What a great idea. I think I might give it a try too. Something has to work with these kdis!!