I've done it again!! I've reached another goal. It takes me longer and longer each time to reach a new weight loss goal, mostly because I get burned out and just give up for a while. I am a true testament that the BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT key to losing weight is EATING, not exercising. I run, I run a lot. They say that running is one of the best workouts for losing weight which I think is correct however, no discipline in eating means no weight loss (I've tested this theory personally). Since my last post I've lost another 7 pounds, this time my eating has been different, instead of focusing on eating just protein, I have just tried to snack all day (carbs and protein a like) and I have gotten the same results. A proven example that it doesn't matter how you do it, just pick something that will work for you and do it. We live in a day in age where it is hard to be accountable to yourself so there are a lot of programs out there that tell you how to do it then make you accountable to them. I think these are GREAT and I desperately wanted to do one, it would have made the motivation a little easier. Jason however wasn't on board and thought it was a waste of money. He told me that I could do it on my own and I did. He's always right (don't tell him I said that). This is what I am most proud of, I did it on my own. I am queen of self doubt and lack of will power. But I mustered up everything I had and I have just kept going. This time last year I was devastated that I stopped losing weight after I had Kenzlee and the scale was stuck at 163...for weeks. I realized the rest was up to me. One year later I'm at 128. When I first started keeping track of my weight (about a year before I got pregnant with Kaysia so 21 years old), I weighed 133. I feel so great both physically and mentally. I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to now. My new focus is that 8.2 mile run up a hill in less than a month.....I can do it!

There isn't a ton of difference from picture to picture (my photographer is 8). The biggest difference I see is in my face and arms. I do see a difference in my body, even though the picture doesn't really show it.