Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Something to think about....

  In the church we are taught that after this life we are still able to have children with our spouses, raise children that we've lost in this life or if we are here when the millennium begins, we get to continue to raise the family we've started and add to it if we so desire.  I'm hoping for the third for my family, how wonderful it would be to raise my children in the land of promise where Christ is the ruler rather than Obama, and all the other nonsense politics we have today just disappears in the blink of an eye, and wickedness is bound. 
     So the burning question is.....What will bearing children be like during the millennium, or as resurrected beings, or even as spirits?  This question is something I've been continually asking myself.  Will you be sick? Will you feel so fatigued that you just want to fall over and sleep when life must go on?  Will your bones feel like they are going to break in half?  Will you gain just the weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid or like in this life (for most of us anyway) blow up like a balloon in the butt, thighs, ankles and face? 
   I'm very curious and know that one day I will get the answers to some of my burning questions, for now,  I am grateful that I get to experience the baby wriggling and squirming inside my body and that I have been blessed with the ability to experience these agonies (with some joys) when so many struggle with infertility.   I will also look on the bright side of things...17 days until I meet the 4th beautiful miracle that has once again wreaked havoc on my poor body and pregnancy will be a thing of my past!


Jeanie said...

What a great post. I have also wondered the same thing, hoping that it will be free of the pain, fatigue and sickness. It would really suck if it wasn't! Anyway, good luck with the delivery and everything. I can't wait to see pics of your new little angel!

Lavar and Michelle said...

Hopefully it is more a blitz instead of agony. Recovering from child birth isn't the funniest thing but it is nice to have the reward. I am so excited for you to see your sweet little girl.

Unknown said...

I love your post Mellisa, that's a very impacting statement. :)