I ran my very first race last weekend and it was a BIG one to be a first one!! I ran the Wasatch Back or RAGNAR relay race. It is a total of 188 miles starting in Logan and ending in Park City. I didn't run the whole thing, I'm not quite that amazing, but I did run my parts of the race rather well (when I say well I mean I did my parts within the time estimated for me to finish them). I was part of a team of 12 people and basically we each had our section of the race to run, at the end of our section a team member was waiting to start their 'leg'. Our team was called the Duodecads, the meaning of it is "a group of twelve things". We got creative and if you notice our shirts we are each a 'thing', like Dr. Suess. I was runner number seven so my shirt said "thing 7".

All in all it was a good time! I loved hanging out with the ladies the most, as for the running it was very hard both physically and mentally and I would LOVE to do it again! I am officially addicted to racing and signed up for my first 10k today!! Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures but there were 5 other cameras there so I am sure somewhere down the road I will inherit a few more pictures!
Way to go, that's awesome! I admire anyone who can run especially when they do it for fun. Looks like a good group from the picture :)
Awesome! I wish I could become addicted to running. I would actually get some exercise if I did. ;)
I thought you said it was one of the stupidest things you did? lol
I am glad you had the experience.
I love the dude in the picture on the left that looks like he is going to kill the picture taker lol.
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