Today the kids and I ventured to the zoo. They always like to see the animals there. We got to see Zuri the baby elephant, she was ADORABLE! They were trying to train her and she would come outside run to the trainer and then turn around and run back into the cave where her mommy was caged up. The trainer said that was the first time that she had been out there without mommy and that she kept running back in there to make sure it was ok for her to be outside alone...so cute!! Finally she decided she wasn't going to be outside without her mommy so the both of them came out and put on a show for us! They were feeding the elephants strawberries and the mommy elephant would pick them up with her trunk effortlessly and put them in her mouth. The trainer pointed out that the baby elephant (who is 10 months old) wasn't as coordinated with her trunk. It was fun to see how she clumsily tried to get the strawberries off the ground and roll her trunk up to her mouth.
Every time we have been to the zoo the tigers in in a coma like state from the heat, I have only see them so much as lift there head for a second and then lay back down. Not today!! They were playing with each other in the water and jumping all over the place. It was so neat, I couldn't get enough of it, they were so close and so beautiful!

While we were looking at the rinocerouse I could hear this really loud grunting noise coming from around the corner but I didn't think anything of it. We just moved on and when we came to the turtle exibit I realized that was where the noise was coming from and this is what I saw...

Try explaining that one to the kids!! Kaysia asked me why that turtle was on top of it's baby (the turtle on the bottom was a little smaller) I told her that isn't the turtle's baby, but the zoo will probably have baby turtles the next time we visit!!