Thursday, March 10, 2011

The arrival of Kenzlee May and the days after...

The night before my scheduled c-section I had so many things running through my mind.  March 4, 2011 would be a bitter sweet ending to a chapter in my life.  I wanted kids for such a long time, how many I was never really sure.  In a blink of an eye my child bearing years came and now, they are gone.  Yes, I am still young enough to have more kids if I desired, but our family is complete and Jason and I have decided that this would be our last child.  I was so happy for the pregnancy to finally be over, I was huge and miserable but at the same time, I was sad that I would never again feel life inside my belly.  The morning of my c-section I was SO nervous.  I have never had a baby come out of me like that before and I wasn't really excited to experience it either.  It was like having my first all over again, I had no idea what to expect.  Throughout my pregnancy I have heard things like, "I love my c-sections, I wouldn't have babies any other way" and "Prepare for the worst pain you will ever feel in your entire life!"  Still I woke up nervous but so excited to meet this new little girl that would complete our family.  Kaysia woke up that morning complaining of a stomach ache.  I gave her breakfast thinking she was just hungry but that didn't help.  We had made the decision that she couldn't go to school, but what were we going to do with her.  We had arrangements for the other kids to go to a neighbors house until my sister got off of work at 3:00 to pick them up (we had to be at the hospital at 10:30).  I couldn't send my sick kid to the neighbor's house who has 5 kids she could possibly get sick.  I was in a panic.  I made a few phone calls and realized there was no where for my sick daughter to go.  As I sat on the couch my good friend sent me a text that said "Good luck and if there is anything you need PLEASE let me know."  I immediately called her and asked if she could come stay with the kids for a few hours until my sister could come.  Here it was 8:40 in the morning, she's about 45 minutes away, I was basically asking her to drop anything she had planned for the entire day and come NOW.  She did just that.  She will always be the hero that saved the day!  Kaysia eventually perked up (like she always does after a puking spell, that's a whole other story). 
Jason and I finally got to the hospital got checked in and they prepped me for the delivery.  My nerves were going to explode, I was SOOOOO scared of what was about to happen.  Before I knew it Jason was all dressed up in his operating room get up and the wheeled me away.
The anesthesiologist warned me of 2 times where I would possibly get sick.  The first part was right after the spinal block was placed (it numbs you so fast, faster than an epidural that it messes with you system a little bit), the second was when they have to "clean" out your uterus.  You see with a c-section, they actually remove your uterus and ovaries from your body to "clean" it out.  The spinal block went smoothly and there was no sickness happening, I was very relieved.  Then I laid on the 'crucifix' and the doctor and anesthesiologist started poking at me to make sure I was good and numb.  Finally they brought Jason in and I know that our little girl was going to make her debut very soon.  Jason actually watched the ENTIRE birth, which was a surprise to me because he previously said there was no way he was going to watch that.  He said it was cool and thinks he'd rather watch a c-section than a normal delivery.  At 12:31 baby Kenzlee was here at 8 lbs 4 oz, way bigger than I expected considering she was 8 days early! 

She was so beautiful, even with all the gunk she had on her.  They showed her to me and I felt the most amazing feeling come over me.  I knew right away that all of my heartfelt prayers were heard and that despite the hardship of making the decision to have another baby and convincing Jason that this was meant to be (he only wanted two kids) and the agonizing toll it took on our relationship in the months before pregnancy.  She was perfect and was meant for us!!  I was so grateful that she was healthy and finally here.  As I laid there wrapped up in my emotions I started feeling REALLY weird.  I asked the anesthesiologist if this was the part where I was going to get sick and he said, "Yes".  Great, there went the feel goods.  Next thing I knew I was fighting back the puke and all I could feel was my heart POUNDING like I have never felt it pound before.  Not only was it pounding in my chest it was pounding in my face.  I was so hot and felt just ICKY!  Eventually that passed and the surgery was finished then it was off to the recovery room.  I had to spend a little extra time there because I wasn't doing so well.  They got everything under control then moved me to the room I would be spending the next few days in.  Eventually I was feeling up to having the kids come and meet their new sister.  Jason went and grabbed them from my hero and brought them to the hospital. 
Kaysia was so excited to meet her.  She has been wanting to be a big sister to a sister for a while now.  Remember the video when I told her we were pregnant?  She loved holding her and looking at her.  He eyes just lit up when she walked in the room and saw her for the first time.  It was awesome to see.  I was so thankful that she got her baby sister!  She will be such a great big sister and it will be cool to watch their relationship grow through the years.

Kyson loved holding her too.  Although he didn't hold her as long, I know that he loves her just the same.  Notice there is no picture of Camden??  Yeah, he wasn't that interested.  He looked, had a few comments then wanted to sit in the cool chairs and watch the TV.   I am so thankful for his lack of interest.  Later that night I got a call from my sister telling me that he was burning up with a fever.  SERIOUSLY?!?!  First Kaysia puking in the morning and now Camden is fevering.  I called my sister the next morning and found out that Kaysia was up throwing up all night and that Camden's fever was running super high all night if she didn't rotate the Motrin and Tylenol.  Here I am at the hospital with a brand new baby, two sick babies in someone else's care and totally helpless.  We decided that Jason needed to go home and be with the kids that night so my mom came and stayed at the hospital with me, since I still wasn't able to get out of  bed on my own to care for the baby.  Sunday morning I called Jason to see how the kids were doing.  Kaysia once again was doing great but Camden was not doing good at all.  Jason took him to the doctor and found out that he had strep and sent Jason to the hospital to run flu and RSV tests.  Monday morning we were preparing to be discharged we found out that Camden tested positive for RSV.  I had a melt down!!  How on earth can I take my newborn baby home to an RSV infested house?  Jason and I decided that I would have to be in quarantine in our room and that he had to go back home and totally disinfect our bedroom.  So here I am loving on my new baby, missing my others and getting lots of rest.  Jason has been amazing through this whole thing and I am so thankful for him!  My recovery has actually been a lot easier than I expected even though the past week ended up a lot harder than planned!  I have 2 days left in quarantine then we can finally be together as a family in one room, that is if the other kids don't end up sick, so far so good! 


Cyndie said...

Ahh! It sounds so great and so horrible. Your little Kenzlee is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E! I love the little bow. I'm glad your c-section went well. They never warned me about getting sick and I didn't feel sick so hopefully I don't this next time. Good luck with RSV- I hope you guys can spend a lot of quality time together as a family. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Mellisa, what a roller coaster ride your families been through! Sheesh! She is truly adorable though! Congratulations!!!

Lavar and Michelle said...

No one told me about the feeling sick part but that would explain why I felt icky too after the baby was born. She is adorable Mellisa and your parents are so cute about it. They were showing me pictures last night at the Linton get together. Ethan ended up with RSV too, lucky enough we kept him out of the hospital but I hope that doesn't happen again it was hard to see my little one coughing, puking, and struggling to breath.