I was just looking over my blog and realized that I haven't posted anything about MY latest moments! Although I love taking pictures, maybe I should post the latest and greatest in my life right now.
Camden is starting to talk a lot. Everyday he says more and more. He is a little later than my other kids at speaking, but trust me, I don't mind that one bit!! He is growing up WAY to fast and it makes me VERY sad. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to watch him grow and learn new things, he is just my baby and I am not ready to not have a baby around anymore.
Kyson loves pre-school and Karate. He got his yellow belt a few days ago and we are very proud of him! He has not let that belt out of his sight since he got it. It is a great tool for me too. His Master said that if he doesn't listen to mommy and daddy or doesn't respect others, that belt will get taken away and he will get a white belt (a baby belt). It works great......for now!
Kaysia also loves kindergarten. She is in piano lessons and is doing very well. They are learning to play both hands and she is very coordinated in that way. She is kind of a klutz and not the most graceful child when it comes to running & dancing, but she does play the piano well. I think we have found her niche! It has only taken a couple years of dance, tumbling and the fall part of soccer to find it. She enjoys it and that is what counts!
I have decided to run the Wasatch Back Relay race. It is a race that starts in Logan and ends in Park City. I am very excited and think it will be really fun. I have run into some problems training for the race though. It seems like everytime I run I end up VERY tired an hour or so afterwards with a headache and chills. I went to the doctor and he did some bloodwork and an EKG, everything came back normal. When the nurse called to let me know the results, I let her know that I ran again that day and was feeling sick. She talked to the doctor and they decided to do further testing on my heart. The doctor is worried that maybe my heart isn't getting enough oxogen to my brain and is having a hard time recouperating after an intense workout. I am scheduled for a stress test and an Echo-cardiogram on November 17th. I am very anxious for that day to come. I am very hopeful it is nothing serious. Although, I have been getting pounding headaches that last the better part of the day for about a week now. It is a constant reminder to me that there really could be something wrong. It could also be a MILLION other things that are causing my headaches. I am just anxious to rule out the more serious stuff!
Jason is busy, like always with his work. He is such a hard worker and I am blessed to have him as my husband. I am thankful for all the sacrifices he makes for us. He is a great husband and father and I could not ask for anything more!!
I am so greatful for all the blessings in my life. I love my family and friends who are there for me. I am very greatful for the church and all the things it brings to my life; amazing friendships, peace, inspiration and most of all ETERNITY with my husband and kids!
This is it for now.....until next time!