Jill is such a good friend and is ALWAYS there when I need her. I am just glad that I could capture some great pictures for her! It was FREEZING outside, hence Jordan's red nose!! What can I say....Cute family = cute pictures. I love my Jilly!! I hope she loves them!
I don't have a lot of time to post all the cute pictures of this family so here is a little peak!! Poor sandon was so sad! We got some cute pictures of him, just none with smiles. Morgan was a little model...striking a pose whenever she could!
Here are a few more pictures of Jerzey. I had SO much fun working with her. I couldn't take a bad picture of her. She was just too cute! I like to do different things with the colors in pictures. You can see how much of a difference a little color can make when you are trying to get the same type of picture to have different looks. By the way....My friend Jill makes the most adorable TuTu's and bows! Jerzy is wearing her work in these pictures!!