Kaysia officially started school and she loves it. She thinks it is too much like pre-school but other than that, she looks forward to going everyday and is sad when it is the weekend. I sure hope that attitude lasts through college!!

She LOVES riding the bus. The first day she was so excited she could barely contain herself!!

Kaysia also had her first soccer game. It is just a bunch of little girls chasing the ball really. It was super fun to watch!!

Kyson also started his second year of pre-school. I got to walk him in the first day but now he is big and he can do it by himself. He is growing up so fast!! He too loves it. I think it helps him feel important when he gets to go to school like kaysia and this year he goes 3 days a week. Kyson also started Karate and he thinks it is so fun. He goes 2 days a week. Between Kaysia's piano lessons, soccer, karate and school I run around like crazy! The kids enjoy it so it is worth it to me. I love seeing how excited they get when they learn something new.

Camden is starting to talk more and more. He is such a good baby, I don't know what I did to deserve him??? He says Peek-a-boo, bu-bye, fish, mom, dad, eat (with the sign language), hi, yay, uh oh, owee, and AH (he says this when he throws a ball and hits something). Camden, is going to be my little athlete. He LOVES balls. He can hit them with a bat out of his hand, has a mean overhand and can kick a super soccer kick like Dora!!

We also had a church party and I got some cute pictures of a few babies. I thought I would share.

We did a little "home-improvements" this month too. Right now we are in the process of putting in a perimeter drain. Since we had trees back there we had to relocate them. We put them in the front and added a few more. In all we ended up planting 9 trees in one day. It was a job, but turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself!!

This is what your kid looks like after playing in the dirt all day with a binky in his mouth!!
Sorry the pictures and descriptions are messed up!