In the year 2007 I watched the American Idol Gives Back episode and forever have been changed. I don't know how many of you saw that one but it was heart wrenching for me to say the least. I always knew there were children in this world suffering, I guess I just never put actual faces to the situation until then. I was moved, I checked into adoption and I just really wanted to help more than the 25 bucks I donated. I have talked about adopting children from other countries ever since. (I don't think Jason understands how serious I really am when I talk about it). Anyway, then I met this lady yesterday. She is an amazing person and a great mother of two adopted boys, who can't have children of her own. I never asked her why she couldn't but from what I gathered, her eggs are fine and her husband can fertilize. She just had a failed attempt at envitro, the eggs were great, they just didn't survive in her. She was devistated. So here I am again, thinking "I could help this couple and be a surrogate mother." Once again another situation brought to me making my little brain think of how I can change the world for them. I think I could really do it, knowing I could give them their world almost effortlessly. (not that being pregnant is a walk in the park, but it really is nothing compared to what they have endured emotionally).

So the burning question is.......Will I change the life of a child somewhere out there and give them opportunity to live and thrive and be a part of a family? Will I take the gift of bearing children that God has given me, and give back to a deserving couple that would appreciate nothing more then to look into the eyes of child that was created from them? I really want to use this life that God has blessed me with and change the lives of even just the smallest number of people. Time will tell and God will lead me to do the things that I need
to do in this life.